HC Deb 05 July 1869 vol 197 c1166

said, he wished to ask the under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether the agreement made with the Governor of Western Australia to send out Emigrants to that Colony at the expense of the Imperial Government has been entirely completed; and, if not, what number of Emigrants have still to be sent out in order to fulfil such obligations undertaken by the Government?


said, in reply, that when Western Australia was made a convict station, the Imperial Government had undertaken to send out there a free emigrant for every convict it received, subject to the condition that the colony really required them, and could absorb and provide for them. The number of free emigrants stated by the Legislative Council to be now due to the colony was 3,550, but on investigation that number turned out to be inaccurate, and probably, the true number due was somewhere about 1,800. Unless, however, in answer to a despatch which was about to be sent out to him, the Governor could give satisfactory proof that emigrants were really wanted, and could be absorbed and provided for by the colony, none would be sent out except the families of convicts, and—but this had not yet been altogether determined—a few persons to be nominated for free passage by their relatives in the colony.