HC Deb 29 June 1868 vol 193 c314

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether he is aware that the Commissioner of the City Police has, under the 18th section of the Metropolis Streets Act, fixed the 1st of July next as the date for detaining dogs unprovided with muzzles, instead of the 22nd of June last, the date adopted by the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police under the same section; whether such want of unity of action between the Police authorities is not a serious evil, and, whether he will address a remonstrance to the City authorities as to the folly and impolicy of their proceedings in this respect?


said, in reply, he was not aware until his attention had been called to the matter a short time ago, of the existence of the state of things to which his hon. Friend referred. He had no control over the City Police; but the Metropolitan Police had seized a very large number of dogs, and great difficulty had been experienced in disposing of them.

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