HC Deb 15 March 1867 vol 185 c1991

Resolved, That this House will immediately resolve itself into the Committee of Supply.

SUPPLY—considered in Committee.

(In the Committee.)

Land Forces, Pay, and Allowances &c., on account £1,700,000
Commissariat Establishment, Services and Movement of Troops, on account 400,000
Clothing Establishments, Services and Supplies, on account 150,000
Barrack Establishment, Services, and Supplies, on account 200,000
Divine Service, on account 14,000
Administration of Martial Law, on account 7,000
Hospital Establishment, Services and Supplies, on account 80,000
Disembodied Militia, on account 280,000
Yeomanry Cavalry, on account 28,000
Volunteer Corps, on account 120,000
Enrolled Pensioners and Army Reserve Force, on account 16,000
Manufacturing Departments and Materials for Warlike Stores, on account 360,000
Military Store Establishment and Purchase of Warlike Stores, on account 130,000
Superintending Establishment of, and Expenditure for Works, Buildings and Repairs, at Home and Abroad 250,000

wished to know up to what period these Votes on Account would last?


replied that, with one or two exceptions, they were one-third of the total amount of the Army Estimates.