HC Deb 09 August 1867 vol 189 c1217

SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—On Woodhouse Collection. [No. 521.]

SUPPLY—considered in Committee—CIVIL SERVICE ESTIMATES—Class IV.—Education, Science, and Art—Foreign Potentates.

WAYS AND MEANS—considered in Committee.

PUBLIC BILLS — First Reading—Agricultural Gangs* [310].

Second Reading—Naval Knights of Windsor* [300].

Committee — Fortifications (Provision for Expenses) (No. 2) [285].

Report—Fortifications (Provision for Expenses) (No. 2) [285].

Considered as amended—Church Temporalities Orders (Ireland) Validation * [267]; Railway Companies (Ireland) Advances * [304]; Merchant Shipping * [299]; War Department Stores* [255]; Increase of the Episcopate* [307].

Third Reading—Church Temporalities Orders (Ireland) Validation * [267]: Railway Companies (Ireland) Advances * [304]; Merchant Shipping* [299]; War Department Stores* [255]; Increase of the Episcopate * [307], and passed.

Withdrawn—Industrial Schools (Ireland)* (re-comm.) [102].

The House met at Two of the Clock.