HC Deb 17 July 1866 vol 184 c938

said, he would beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty, Whether he has any objection to lay before the House the Report and Evidence of the Commission on the position of the Medical Officers of the Army and Navy, presided over by Vice Admiral Sir Alexander Milne, of which a summary has appeared in the public papers, and whether it is intended to adopt the recommendations of the Commission in favour of the Medical Officers of the Royal Navy?


said, in reply, that, so far as the navy was concerned—though he did not know what his right hon. Friend (General Peel) might be disposed to do with regard to the army— he had no objection to lay on the table the Report of the Royal Commission. It was his intention to adopt their recommendations, and he had that evening laid upon the table a 'Supplemental Estimate with a view of carrying them into effect.