HC Deb 16 July 1866 vol 184 c916

Order for Second Reading read.


moved that the Order for the second reading of this Bill be discharged.


observed, that if the Bill had been proceeded with it could not have been passed in its present form. It was a very difficult subject, and he recommended that a Royal Commission should be appointed to investigate it, and present a Report to the House next Session.


said, the Government were fully alive to the importance of the Bill. He would not go as far as to say that it was necessary to appoint a Royal Commission to investigate the subject; but the Government would make every possible inquiry, and lay before the House all the information they could respecting it.


expressed his satisfaction with the statement that the Government would carefully consider the subject, and observed that an erroneous opinion prevailed that the difficulty of the matter was connected with the property of the Church; but it was in reality connected with the false idea that the Imperial Parliament could rectify matters by legislation.

Order discharged; Bill withdrawn.