HC Deb 16 July 1866 vol 184 c823

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for War, Whether his attention had been given to the small number (only five) of Commissions in the Royal Engineers given to the Woolwich Cadets at the last examination as compared with the number given on the two previous examinations (ten and ten); and if it is purposed to review the award with the object of remedying the apparent injustice which has been done as respects several gentlemen who this year were on an equality in examination with those receiving Engineers' Commissions last year?


in reply, said, his attention had been drawn to the matter in question. It was perfectly impossible to review the awards; there having been only six vacancies, only six gentlemen could be appointed. The reason why more artillery than engineer commissions had been given was that vacancies had arisen through the transfer of Engineer Officers to the Staff Corps in India.