HC Deb 04 May 1865 vol 178 c1469

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether he intends in the Continuance Act for this year to Schedule for discontinuance all Turnpike Trusts that are out of debt; and, if not, under what special circumstances and upon whose representation will exceptions be made; and whether it is intended to continue in force till November 1866, in accordance with the usual practice in Continuance Acts, all the Trusts which are to be included in the Schedule to this year's Act, so as to give time for representations to be made to the Home Office?


, in reply, said, the annual Turnpike Continuance Act continued, from year to year, all Turnpike Trusts whose Acts had expired, excepting such as were placed in the Schedule or in the body of that Act. Those placed in the Schedule were fixed to cease on the 1st of November of the ensuing year, in order to give Trustees notice and time enough to apply for the continuance of their Trusts by new private Acts of Parliament. Trusts placed in the body of the Continuance Act were those which, having been placed in the Schedule the year before, had not been renewed by private Acts or made arrangements satisfactory to the Home Office. Those Trusts were fixed to cease on the 1st of November of the current year. His right hon. Friend (Sir George Grey) stated early in the Session that as a general principle it was deemed right that Trusts free from debt should be excluded from the operation of the Continuance Act. It was not proposed to deal with all such Trusts at once; but, speaking generally, only with those against which complaints had been made. Trusts to be dealt with this year would be put in the Schedule of the Continuance Act in the usual way, so as to cease on the 1st of November, 1866. Ample time would thus be given to them to wind up their affairs, make representations to the Home Office, or apply to Parliament for new Acts.