HC Deb 13 June 1865 vol 180 c123

SELECT COMMITTEE—On Expiring Laws appointed and nominated. (List of Committee.)

PUBLIC BILLS—Resolutions in Committee—Record of Title (Ireland) [Stamps]*; Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation *; Fortifications and Works.*

Ordered— Local Government Supplemental (No. 5)*; Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation *; Ulster Canal Transfer.*

First Reading — Local Government Supplemental (No. 5)* [209]; Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 3) * [210]; Ulster Canal Transfer* [211];

Second Reading—Theatres, &c. [64]; Kingstown Harbour* [185].

Committee —Greenwich Hospital [179].

Report — Greenwich Hospital [179]; Navy and Marines (Wills) * [188]; Navy and Marines (Property of Deceased) * [189]; Naval and Marine Pay and Pensions* [190]; Colonial Laws Validity* [183]; Colonial Marriages Validity* [184].

Considered as amendedLunatic Asylum Act (1853). &c. Amendment* [196].

Third Reading—Prisons [141].

The House met at Twelve of the clock.