HC Deb 09 May 1864 vol 175 c191

said, he wished to ask, Whether the Motion of the noble Lord the Prime Minister, for the appointment of a Committee upon the Reports of Education Inspectors will come on for discussion on Thursday, and what will be the order of the business of the evening?


said, in reply, that it was proposed first of all to take the Motion referred to by the right hon. Member, and a Motion would be made to postpone the Orders of the Day until it had been disposed of. The hon. Member for the King's County (Mr. Hennessy) has a Motion upon the paper for Thursday with reference to Poland. As he (Sir George Grey) understood that it was not the wish of the hon. Gentleman to bring forward his Motion until the noble Lord at the head of the Government was in his place, he should ask him to postpone it until the first evening after the holidays, when Supply was the first business to be brought forward, so that the hon. Member would then stand in the same position as he did now.


said, he would acquiesce in this arrangement.