HC Deb 17 March 1864 vol 174 c186

said, he wished to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, Whether it is the practice of the Lords of the Treasury to direct in any case that issues be made as final payments, "without account," to any person; whether, in such a case, the Audit Officers would be satisfied with that person's receipt for the total issue, or whether they would have the power to require to see Vouchers for the items of the expenditure; and whether the Lords of the Treasury themselves examined the Vouchers; and whether the Audit Office is bound to submit to the declaration of the Treasury as to the proper appropriation of the money?


said, in reply, that in certain cases where payments were made the issues were made "without account." In such cases the Audit Office would be satisfied, provided a due receipt were given for the total issue, and if authority were produced from the audit accountant. Those were all the cases in which a claim had to be submitted before a direction was given for payment. The examination of the vouchers was not made by the Lords of the Treasury. The examination of the salaries of Foreign officials was made by the Foreign Office.