HC Deb 17 March 1864 vol 174 c183

said, he wished to ask the First Commissioner of Works, Whether it is his intention to proceed with the Improvements adjacent to the Victoria Tower, as recommended by the Royal Commission of last year, principally on the ground of the danger to which the Houses of Parliament are at present exposed from fire and other causes?


said, in reply, that the Report of the Thames Embankment Commissioners last year contained a very valuable recommendation for the enlargement of the open space in the neighbourhood of the Victoria Tower, by the extension of Old Palace Yard and the embankment of the river to the south of that tower. Thus the wharves which were now filled with destructible materials would be removed, and a source of danger to the Houses of Parliament avoided. That recommendation, however, would, if carried out, involve the expenditure of a very large sum of money, and he was unable at the present moment to inform his hon. Friend that he had any proposal to make on the subject.


said, he wished to know, when the Return he had moved for last Session, showing the duration of the leases of Crown property between the Houses of Parliament and Trafalgar Square, would be ready?


said, he would inquire into the matter.