HC Deb 15 March 1864 vol 174 cc12-3

said, he wished to ask the Chief Secretary for Ireland, When the Returns relative to National Education (Ireland), ordered in the present Session, will be laid upon the table; for what reason the Annual Report of the Commissioners of National Education (Ireland) for the year 1862 has not yet been presented to Parliament; and whether he will take steps to have that Report, and also the Report for 1863, laid upon the table before the Vote for National Education (Ireland) is moved. He also wished to know, whether there will be any objection to lay on the table any Official Communications which has passed between the Irish Secretary and the Education Commissioners on the subject of the recent alteration in the Rules with respect to Convent Schools?


, in reply, said, all the Returns referred to would be laid on the table in the course of the evening. As to the Annual Report of the Commissioners for 1862, that was laid on the table of the House on the 23rd of July last year. With regard to the Report of 1863, he had learnt from the First Commissioner that the Annual Report, but not the Appendix, would be ready on the 1st of June; and with respect to the correspondence between himself and the Commissioners on the subject, there was no objection to lay Copies on the table.


said, he wished to know, whether the right hon. Baronet is aware that, in July last, under the name of a Report of the Commissioners, there was laid on the table what was called in that House a "dummy," and nothing in the shape of a Report was laid on the table. He desired to know, when the second Report will be laid on the table?


said, he must admit that on the 23rd of July it was a "dummy" that was laid upon the table. It was at a time when Members were going away for the holydays. The Report was now laid on the table.