HC Deb 21 July 1864 vol 176 c1806

said, the noble Lord at the head of the Government had only answered one of his Questions—that as to the expedition of Marines to Japan. He would, therefore, ask, Whether the troops were sent to Japan in consequence of a decision of the Cabinet; and also whether the despatch of General Brown would be given before the debate of tomorrow night?


The troops I which were sent from Hong Kong were sent in consequence of a requisition from Sir Rutherford Alcock in Japan, and not in consequence of orders from the Government hero. The troops were sent to Hong Kong in order to be in readiness in case they might be wanted; but the immediate cause of their removal was a requisition from Sir Rutherford Alcock. The noble Lord asks whether the despatch of General Brown will be laid on the table to-morrow in time for the discussion? That I am not able to say. I cannot say whether that despatch by itself is one which should be laid upon the table without other accompanying despatches, but I will inquire.

Motion, by leave, withdrawn.