HC Deb 19 July 1864 vol 176 c1707

said, he would bog to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether Police Constable 244 B, as to whom Mr. Arnold, the Magistrate at Westminster Police Court, publicly stated on two several occasions in the month of May last, that he would not believe him on his oath, was still continued in the Force?


said, in reply, that that police constable was still in the force, and that he thought it would be a gross injustice to dismiss him. No reason had been assigned by Mr. Arnold for the opinion he was said to have expressed, and he (Sir George Grey) could see no good ground for that opinion.


said, he wished to know, Whether any further inquiry was to be made in regard to Mr. Arnold?


said, he did not think there was any ground for inquiry. He had notified to Mr. Arnold that if he or any other magistrate desired to bring any misconduct on the part of a constable under the notice of the Commissioners, he should enter it in the charge-sheet expressly provided for the purpose.