HC Deb 15 July 1864 vol 176 c1598

said, he wished, in the absence of the right hon. Member for North Wiltshire (Mr. Sotheron Estcourt), who had a Motion on this subject on the paper, to ask the Government, Whether, after the next Assize for the West Riding had been held at Leeds, they would allow the question of the future Assize Town of the West Riding to be reheard in case sufficient evidence should be laid before them to justify a rehearing?


said, the best answer he could give was to refer the hon. and gallant Gentleman to Her Majesty's reply to the address of the other House, which referred to the terms of the Act of Parliament, and stated distinctly—as, indeed, was the case with every other assize town—that if hereafter public convenience in reference to the administration of justice should seem to require that a change should be made or an inquiry instituted, the Question should be re-considered. Of course this could be done as well in regard to the West Riding as to any other county, Leeds stood in no exceptional position—it was to the West Riding what Winchester was to Hampshire and Salisbury to Wilts, and nothing more; and according to the terms of the Act of Parliament reference might be made to the Privy Council if it were shown that a change was required in the interests of the administration of justice.

Main Question put, and agreed to.