HC Deb 14 July 1864 vol 176 c1468

said, he wished to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty, Whether, considering the great want felt amongst Naval Chaplains for a head of that department, it is the intention of the Admiralty to revive that part of the Order in Council of 4th March, 1812, which provided for the appointment of a Chaplain General to preside over the Chaplains of the Royal Navy in the same manner as is now practised in regard to Chaplains in the Army?


said, in reply, that the question of appointing a Chaplain General of the Navy had been brought before the Committee upon Naval' Promotion and Retirement, and evidence had been taken upon it. It was, however, felt, that although certain advantages might result from such an appointment, it would interfere with the discipline of the navy if the chaplains on board ships had to look to any other authority than the captains of their vessels.