HC Deb 30 June 1863 vol 171 c1755

PUBLIC BILLS—Resolution in Committee—Metropolis Main Drainage (Guarantee of Repayment of Money).

Ordered—Landed Property Improvement (Ireland)*.

First Reading—Militia Ballots Suspension*; Public Works and Fisheries Act Amendment * [Bill 198].

Second Reading—Poisoning [Bill 181] negatived; Corporal Punishment in Schools [Bill 169] negatived; Poor Law Board Continuance * [Bill 163]; Loan Societies * [Bill 185]; Prisons (Ireland) * [Bill 178].

Committee—Fisheries (Ireland) [Sir Robert Peel] Bil]1 137]—R.P.

Third Reading—Public Works (Manufacturing Districts) * [Bill 192]; Howth Harbour * [Bill 175]; Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Saint Mary Magdalen Hospital) * [Bill 162]; Removal of Irish Poor [Mr. Villiers] * [Bill 140]; Savings Banks Act Amendment [Sir Henry Willoughby] * [Bill 183]; Courts of the Church of Scotland (Lords)* [Bill 92]; and severally passed.