HC Deb 23 February 1863 vol 169 c668

wished to draw attention to the great increase of flogging which had taken place in the navy during the last year. He found that the number of men flogged was 1,076, and the number of lashes was 36,463. Last Session a great deal was said about the impropriety of allowing seamen to be flogged without sentence of a court martial, but he regretted to find the rule had not been adopted. In the previous year the number of men flogged was only 764, and the number of lashes to which they were sentenced was only 26,000 odd. In 1852 there were only 575 men flogged, and the number of lashes was 17,500 odd. He hoped the attention of the Government would be drawn to the increase that had taken place in this degrading punishment.

Main Question put, and agreed to.

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