HC Deb 28 June 1861 vol 164 c46

said, he rose to ask the Lord Advocate, Whether his attention has been called to an Order of the House for "Copies of all Informations and other Documents relating to the compulsory removal of Rebecca Kearney to Ireland from Glasgow;" and whether, inasmuch, as such Return does not contain the "Informations" and "Orders" required by Law in all cases of compulsory removal of poor persons to Ireland, he can furnish the House with any explanation on the subject?


said, he regretted that he could not furnish the hon. Member with the information wished for. In the Return of the Board of Guardians from the parish in Ireland he found a Resolution that the Poor Law Commissioners in Ireland should be requested to apply to the Board of Supervision for information respecting Rebecca Kearney. They had not, however, received any such application. He (the Lord Advocate) had applied to them, and they had informed him that her removal had been effected without their intervention. At that moment he did not know from what parish Rebecca Kearney had been removed, but as soon as he received information on the subject he would communicate it to the House.