HC Deb 16 July 1861 vol 164 c992

said, he wished to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty, Whether any steps have been taken to carry out the Recommendations of the Royal Commissioners upon the Control and Management of the Dockyards, so far as those recommendations relate to the accounts of those Establishments, and to the placing of the Department of the Storekeeper General under the Control of the Controller of the Navy; and, if so, whether he had any objection to lay upon the Table of the House a Copy of any Board Minutes which may have been written, or of any Instructions which may have been sent, to the Dockyards upon those subjects?


in answer to the question of his noble Friend, begged to state that the Admiralty, in accordance with the recommendation the Royal Commissioners upon the Control and Management of the Dockyards, had given directions that the accounts of those establishments should be placed under the Accountant General of the Navy. Instructions have been issued to that effect, and there would be no objection, if moved for, to place copies of them on the Table. With regard to the other part of the question, the placing of the department of the Storekeeper General under the control of the Controller of the Navy, he had to state that that was a matter which, having reference to the organization of the Admiralty itself, would no doubt be a subject of consideration before the Select Committee on the Admiralty next Session.