HC Deb 31 May 1860 vol 158 c1841

said, he rose to ask the Secretary of State for War, Whether it be the intention of Government to recommend to Her Majesty a revision of the Warrant dated the 1st July, 1848, with a view to its improvement, and especially to increase the rates of Pension of Non-commissioned Officers and Soldiers discharged the service in a helpless condition. The hon. and gallant General said that his object in desiring the increase of these pensions was not only to improve the condition of the soldier, but also to facilitate recruiting for the army. His principal objection was to the temporary pensions granted to men who had been disabled in the service. Those pensions were now 6d. a day for from twelve to eighteen months if a man had served seven years, for from one to two years if he had served ten, and for from three to five years if he had served fourteen years. Would any one say that it was creditable to the country to discharge men with pensions so small as these? He also complained of the insufficient pensions varying from 9d. to 1s. per day, granted in cases of total blindness. That was most unjust, and he hoped the Secretary for War would be of his opinion.