HC Deb 10 May 1860 vol 158 c1011

said, he would now beg to ask the President of the Poor Law Board, Whether, as the powers of the Poor Law Board expire at the end of the present Session of Parliament, it is the intention of the Government to introduce in the present Session a Bill for the renewal of those powers; and, if so, when such Bill will be introduced?


replied that it was the intention of the Government to propose a renewal of the Act by which the Poor Law Board was at present constituted and the Bill would be introduced as early as possible after the Whitsuntide recess. He apprehended that his hon. Friend had been induced to ask the question from a notion that was prevalent among some of his constituents, that the Poor Law Board intended to ask for extended powers to administer the Nuisances Removal Bill. He (Mr. Villiers) begged to assure the hon. Member that with that measure the Poor Law Board had no connection whatever.