HC Deb 15 March 1860 vol 157 c646

said, he would beg to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether Newspaper Proprietors who may have in their possession any stamped sheets on the day when the proposed new regulations for the abolition of the impressed Stamp take effect will be allowed to use them, and to retain the privilege of sending them free by post?


said, that some arrangement would undoubtedly be made 1o prevent the Proprietors of Newspaper from being losers of the price of the impressed stamp; but he could not hold out the hope that, a precise day being fixed for the commencement of the new system, provision should at the same time be made with the view of allowing certain persons to retransmit newspapers by post as was done at present. He regretted to have to add that, in consequence of the indisposition of Sir Rowland Hill, it was found impossible to frame the regulations which it would be necessary to make in connection with the proposed alteration as rapidly as he had expected. He trusted, however, that no long period would elapse before he would be in a position to announce that those regulations had been framed.