HC Deb 22 July 1859 vol 155 c259

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he proposes to sanction the altered regulations ordered by the Earl of Malmesbury for the examination of Candidates for the Dilpomatic Service; or whether he contemplates the re-establishment of the regulations which were settled by the Earl of Clarendon in 1855, and were approved of by the Civil Service Commissioners as calculated to secure the aid of well-qualified persons for the Public Service?


said, the regulations ordered by Lord Mamesbury did not require any sanction from him; but in the ordinary course they would come into operation without any interference on his part. He had looked into the regulations of Lord Clarendon, and he confessed he did not see that there was any good reason for making the alterations that had since been made. There were, however, some of the observations of Lord Malmesbury that were worthy of attention; but he (Lord John Russell) would consider the whole subject with a view to see whether the regulations of Lord Clarendon should be restored.