HC Deb 11 June 1858 vol 150 c1947

said, he hoped the hon. Under Secretary would inform the House, at the same time, how much has been conceded by way of compensation to the two British Engineers of the Cagliari, and whether the King of Naples, in granting indemnity, had acted upon his own Motion without the intercession of third parties.


In reply to the hon. Member for Liverpool (Mr. Horsfall), I can only repeat what I said the other day, that we have no knowledge of the circumstances of the case which he has brought before the House. From the statements which he has made, however, it is obvious that Captain Judkins has been placed in a very unfair predicament. I can assure the House that his case will receive the anxious and immediate attention of the Government—every proper representation will be made in the right quarter; and I have such complete confidence in the administration of the law, and in the sense of justice in the United States, that I have not the smallest doubt Captain Judkins will receive complete satisfaction. In reply to the question of the noble Lord the Member for Norwich (Viscount Bury), I have to state that a telegram, similar to that which he has read to the House, was received at the Foreign Office. Beyond that despatch we have no information; but immediately upon its receipt we telegraphed to Mr. Colquhoun, our Consul at Bucharest, to go at once to Belgrade to inquire into the circumstances, authorizing him, at the same time, to take whatever steps he might deem necessary. Coming to the question of the hon. Member for Newcastle (Mr. Ridley), I cannot say, because I possess no knowledge on the subject, what communications may have passed between other Powers and the Court of Naples. I can only state that the redress which has been afforded to the two engineers was given in answer to a categorical demand which my noble Friend at the head of the Foreign Office thought it his duty to make, and which was carried to Naples by a messenger, who had instructions to wait ten days for a reply, and to return at once if no satisfactory reply were given. A satisfactory reply has, however, been given, and I have to state that the sum which has been paid is £3,000.