HC Deb 11 May 1857 vol 145 c197

MR. J. D. FITZGERALD moved for leave to bring in a Bill "To consolidate and amend the Acts relating to Bankruptcy and Insolvency in Ireland."


reminded the Attorney General for Ireland that about twelve mouths ago a Resolution was passed by a Committee of that House stating that it was essential to the due administration of justice in the Irish Incumbered Estates Court that a proper place should be provided for the transaction of its business, and to which the professional practitioners the suitors could have convenient access. He added that, notwithstanding that Resolution, at that moment nobody know why or wherefore it had not been acted upon, though it related, as they all knew, to a tribunal which from time to time disposed of an immense amount of property, and had proved to be of great advantage to the public.

Leave given.

Bill ordered to be brought in by the ATTORNEY GENERAL for Ireland and Sir GEORGE GREY.

Bill presented, and read 1°.