HC Deb 13 March 1857 vol 144 c2295

said, he wished to inquire of the right hon. Gentleman the President of the Poor Law Board whether casual poor are admitted on application into the workhouse of St. George's, Hanover Square; and, if so, for what purpose a notice is affixed to the walls of that workhouse, stating that on and after the 7th of July, 1856, the tramp wards of that house will be closed?


said, that he had made inquiry, and had found that the notice referred to in the question of his noble Friend had been affixed to the door of the workhouse. He was also informed that such casual poor as were brought there by the police, or as the master of the workhouse deemed to be actually destitute, were received; but that what were called regular tramps were not admitted into the workhouse. As might have been expected, no tramps had, since the affixing of this notice, applied for admission.