HC Deb 06 March 1855 vol 137 c189

said he begged to ask the First Lord of the Treasury, or the hon. gentleman the Under Secretary for War, if it was intended that the Crimean medal shall confer two years' additional service, or any peculiar advantages similar to those conferred by the Waterloo medal in 1815?


said that, undoubtedly, the actions in the Crimea were actions in which the brave troops of this country displayed as much valour as ever was evinced on any former occasion; but, although a medal had been conferred, it was not intended to accompany it with the privilege of counting these actions as two years' service. The hon. Member must be aware that battles were fought in the Peninsula, in which the success was as great and complete as that obtained at Alma and Inkerman, but in respect to which no such privileges were conferred. The battle of Waterloo was an event of a totally different character. It put an end to a long war; it decided the fate of Europe; and was not a precedent for anything connected with the actions which have been fought in the Crimea.