HC Deb 11 May 1854 vol 133 c209

Order for Second Reading read.


said, he was not going to oppose the second reading of the Bill, but some of the clauses would require looking into, and he would reserve any objections he had to make until it went into Committee. It was called "A Bill for the more effectual Manning of the Navy," whereas, in point of fact, it related almost exclusively to the distribution of prize money. He regretted some further stimulus had not been applied, which would have the effect of manning our ships more effectually.


said, he was also of opinion that some of the provisions of this Bill required considerable discussion. There was not a word of manning the Navy in it, and he gave notice that when it went into Committee he should enter fully into the subject.


said, that when the Bill was introduced into the House, he fully explained the course which the Government intended to take, and the objects which they wished to accomplish. It was only a temporary enactment, a surrender on the part of the Crown, subject to the distribution which Parliament should provide, of that which was the prerogative of the Crown, namely, all prizes taken during the war. He hoped, therefore, that no unnecessary delay would be brought to bear against the measure.

Motion agreed to; Bill read 2o.