HC Deb 08 March 1853 vol 124 c1290

said, he wished to put a question to the hon. Secretary for the Treasury with respect to the gold coinage. It had been understood by the country that an intimation was given by the right hon. Gentleman the Chancellor of the Exchequer last evening that it was intended by the Government to establish mints in the Australian Colonies, and it was a point upon which much curiosity had been expressed to know in what particular parts of those Colonies the Government would sanction those establishments.


said, that with respect to the establishment of mints in Australia, he thought he might say that the Government had come to the conclusion that it was a question which was more to be determined by the Colonies themselves than by this country, and consequently the Government were disposed to afford every facility which the Colonies might require for that purpose. With regard to the place where the mints were to be established, the only part of the Australian Colonies which had yet demanded such a convenience, and which had supplied the necessary funds, was Sydney, and from that Colony 10,000l. had been received, which would be applied immediately to the purpose intended. The Government would then be ready, on the understanding that this country would become liable for no part of the charge incurred, and that the mints would be placed under such due regulations as might be necessary for the security of the public, and for obtaining a proper quality of coinage, to grant a similar convenience to every one of the Australian Colonies which might be willing to comply with these conditions.

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