HC Deb 16 June 1853 vol 128 c328

Order for Second Reading read.


said, he must oppose the Bill. The hon. and gallant Member for Brighton (Sir G. Pechell), who brought in the Bill, proposed to give a period of six months in which to pay rates. That would cause great confusion, and therefore he should oppose the Bill.


said, he could not help saying that the object which the hon. and gallant Member for Brighton had in view, was a reasonable one. It had come to his knowledge in several cases that when a vestry was likely to be held, a rate had been made almost immediately before the meeting, in consequence of which many persons had been disfranchised from not having paid rates of which they had no knowledge till perhaps the morning of the meeting. He agreed with the right hon. Gentleman (Sir J. Trollope), however, that six months was too long, and in Committee they might shorten the period to two, three, or four months.


said, his objection would be obviated if the time were shortened.

Bill read 2o.

The House adjourned at half after One o'clock.