HC Deb 13 July 1853 vol 129 c149

Order for Committee read.


said, that two other hon. Members whose names were on the back of the Bill, were not present. As being connected with the Navy, he had been requested to let his name be put on the back of the Bill. He was not acquainted with its details, and he understood the Government where prepared to oppose the Bill. He had no authority to withdraw it he had no authority to go on; and he was not in a position to enter on the subject.


said, he thought the best way to settle this Bill was, that he should move that the House go into Committee on the Bill this day three months. If the persons who drew the Bill had referred to the Acts of Parliament, they would have found that an Act existed which carried out the purposes of the Bill, seamen having power by the 4 & 5 Vict. of remitting money to the Accountant General, who placed it in savings banks, where it stood to their account. Improvements would be better made by means of the department which had to do with the subject. He would, therefore, move that the House go into Committee on the Bill that day three months.

Motion agreed to.