HC Deb 24 February 1853 vol 124 c545

appeared at the bar of the House, and brought up a Report from the Select Committee appointed to try and determine the matter of the election petition of Dr. W. Forest and others, complaining of an undue election return for the borough of Blackburn. The Committee had determined that William Eccles, Esq. was not duly elected to serve in the present Parliament for the Borough of Blackburn:—that the last election for the said Borough, so far as regarded the said William Eccles, Esq., was a void election. The Committee had also come to the following resolution:—That the said William Eccles, Esq. was, by his agents, guilty of bribery at the last election for the said Borough. The Report also set forth several instances in which persons were bribed; but the Committee reported that it was not proved that the said acts were committed with the knowledge or consent of the said William Eccles, Esq. It was also further proved that treating to some extent was practised at the last election by the agent of the said William Eccles, Esq., but it was not proved that the said William Eccles, Esq. was cognisant of the same.

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