HC Deb 07 June 1852 vol 122 c133

asked of the Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Lord Stanley) whether any communications had been received by Her Majesty's Govern merit respecting a recent Conference between the representatives of the great Powers of Europe, with reference to the claims of Prussia upon Neufchatel; and, secondly, if the noble Lord knew if there would be any objection to lay the papers on the table of the House?


In answer to the question of the noble Lord, I have to state that a conference has been held, and a protocol signed by the representatives of the five Great European Powers, in reference to the rights of Prussia over Neuf chatel. The existence of such rights, and their recognition by the Treaty of Vienna, cannot be disputed; and I must observe that it is not the least important feature of this transaction, that in it the territorial settlement of Europe, as arranged in that treaty, has, for the first time, been recognised by France under her present ruler. I may add, that no communication will, for the present, be addressed in consequence of the protocol in question, to the Government of Switzerland. With regard to the papers, I am afraid it will he impossible to lay them upon the table.