HC Deb 20 June 1851 vol 117 c1067

said, he had recently declined pressing a Motion which he had introduced in reference to certain parties who had received tickets of leave in Van Diemen's Land. Since then he had heard from the colony, and all he had stated had been confirmed. He would therefore, then move, pursuant to notice, an Address for Copies of all correspondence between his Excellency Sir William Denison, Lieutenant Governor of Van Diemen's Land, and the Police Magistrates of New Norfolk and Launceston, on the subjects noticed in his Excellency's despatch of the 14th day of January, 1851 (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 316, of Session 1851); and of the Proceedings taken before the said Police Magistrates on the matters in question.


said, the documents referred to had not been received, and therefore could not be produced. There was another objection to the Motion, and that was, that further legal proceedings had been commenced against the parties, and until such had terminated, they could not hear from the colony on the subject.


wished to know at what time these papers might be expected? It would be very easy for a Governor who did not fancy entering into explanations to keep a matter hanging over until the interest in it should have died away.


said, there was no wish on the part of any one to prolong these proceedings, or delay any explanations that might be required.

After a few words from Mr. GRATTAN,

Motion, by leave, withdrawn.