HC Deb 30 November 1847 vol 95 c373

, seeing the hon. Member for Buteshire in his place, wished to ask him when the Commission sitting upon the law of marriage was likely to make its report?


observed, that the House was aware that at a late period of the last Session a Committee was appointed to inquire into the subject of the marriages of individuals with the sisters of their deceased wives; but, although the Commissioners had held several meetings, they found it impossible to prosecute their inquiries efficiently during the vacation. Since the beginning of November the Commissioners had met regularly twice a week, and had collected a body of very valuable evidence; and he might state that parties who communicated information to them had been informed that their communications would be regarded as confidential. He could not state when the report was likely to be laid before the House; for, independently of the question of the law of marriage with regard to the degrees of affinity, the Commissioners were directed to institute inquiries with reference to marriages solemnised abroad and in the colonies. He did not know whether the Commissioners might determine to report upon those subjects jointly or separately; but, if they came to the conclusion to make separate reports, he hoped their report as to marriages within the degrees of affinity would be presented to the House early in the ensuing year.