HC Deb 22 March 1847 vol 91 c264

begged to ask the right hon. Gentleman the Secretary for Ireland whether the rule which had been established for discharging 20 per cent of the persons employed on the public relief works in Ireland was intended to apply to those parishes where the arrangements for the distribution of soup had not yet come into operation?


replied, that the hon. Gentleman had truly stated that a rule was laid down that the persons employed on public works in Ireland should be reduced in the ratio of 20 per cent; but the rule was not of necessity to apply equally to every parish in Ireland, without regard to the special circumstances of each locality. The meaning of the rule was, that the reduction of the persons employed should, on the whole, be adequate to a reduction of 20 per cent, but leaving it to the discretion of the Irish Government as to what parts of Ireland that rule should be applied.


begged to suggest that a week's wages in advance should be given to any man who wished to go from the public works to farm labour. It would be a great inducement to men to return to the cultivation of the land.