HC Deb 16 July 1847 vol 94 c413

called the attention of the noble Lord to the case of the late Sir E. Wilmot, and read several documents forwarded from Van Diemen's Land, attesting to the general feeling among the inhabitants of the colony of the injustice of the charges urged against the late Governor. The family of Sir E. Wilmot had received the highest satisfaction from the tone of the debate on this subject on a recent occasion; and, in conclusion, put it to the noble Lord, if it would not be possible to intercede with the Crown, and obtain for the son of the unfortunate gentleman some such mark of favour as would be looked upon in the light of reparation for the injury which had been done?


did not think there was any public ground requiring the further interference of the House in the present case. He believed the son of the late Governor, the present Sir Eardley Wilmot, to be, both on account of character and intelligence, a very deserving person; but he could not in the least promise to fetter the discretion of the Crown in the matter.