HC Deb 10 December 1847 vol 95 c924

also asked the following question: Whether it were the intention of the Government to propose any measure for carrying into effect the recommendation of the Select Committee on Private Bills of last Session, and for enabling towns, or parishes, or districts, to adopt the provisions of the General Consolidation Acts, without coming to Parliament by Bill for that purpose?


answered, that there remained two Consolidation Bills recommended by the Committee, and not yet introduced—one relating to bridges, and the other to canals. A Bill relating to the former was preparing; with regard to the latter, he had some doubt of the expediency of introducing a Consolidation Bill; and he believed that very few Canal Bills were likely to come before the House at present. There were other recommendations made by the Committee, which were of very great importance; but the report had only lately been in his possession; the Government would be prepared to carry into effect such as, upon consideration, might appear to them desirable.