HC Deb 25 May 1846 vol 86 c1202

wished to put a question, of which he had not been able to give notice, and which perhaps could not be answered at the moment. If so, he should be content to wait until a future day. It had been stated in the public prints that the Spanish Government had sent out instructions to Cuba to place discriminating duties on English goods and vessels in Cuba and Porto Rico. The information he asked was—whether Government had any reason to believe that such instructions had been sent out, and that steps had been taken to carry them into effect?


had seen the statement in the newspapers, and went to the Foreign Office in consequence to read the last despatches. They certainly did not bear out the statement in the newspapers; but before he gave a positive answer he wished to make a further reference to the despatches, and to-morrow he would be prepared to state the exact fact. The despatches he had seen did not show that any discriminating duties had been imposed adverse to England.