HC Deb 30 July 1846 vol 88 c204

moved, that an Address be presented to Her Majesty for copies of correspondence between the Home Office and the magistrates of the Loughborough petty sessions, on the cases of Mary Ann Tyler, John Jarvis, and Catherine Stubbs, and of the report of the Commissioner appointed to inquire into the case of Catherine Stubbs.


did not intend to oppose the Motion, although it had not been usual to give copies of such correspondence. But in the present case, one of the magistrates having chosen to bring the case before his brother magistrates assembled at the Leicestershire sessions, and the report in the newspaper not giving a complete view of the case, he should accede to the Motion, in order that the whole matter might be fairly laid before the House. But he, of course, should wish it to be distinctly understood that it must not form a precedent.

Motion agreed to.