HC Deb 28 July 1845 vol 82 c1140
Mr. Brotherton

wished to suggest to the right hon. Baronet opposite (Sir R. Peel) that it would be better that, for the remainder of the Session, the House should meet at twelve o'clock, and continue its sitting until the business on the Paper for the day was finished, instead of adjourning for an hour or two, as at present, between the morning and evening sittings.

Sir R. Peel

thought that it was objectionable to make any departure from the custom of the House in the transaction of business, especially at so late a period of the Session, without the general concurrence of the House. His own opinion was in favour of the suggestion of the hon. Gentleman, and if that suggestion met with general concurrence on the part of the House, he had no objection to it whatever. If, therefore, the House concurred in the suggestion, he had no objection to propose that, after to-morrow, the House should meet for the despatch of business at twelve o'clock, and sit continuously, instead of adjourning after the morning sitting.