HC Deb 07 February 1845 vol 77 c208
Sir Robert Peel

observed, that an hon. Member opposite (Mr. Wallace) had a Motion on the Paper for to-night, upon a subject of some importance, namely, for a Select Committee to inquire into the mode of conducting Private Bill Business in the House. Now, considering the immense mass of Private Business, particularly railway business, likely to come this Session before the House, he certainly thought that the appointment of such a Committee—formed of Members most versed in the Private Business of the House, to consider the existing arrangements, and if possible to facilitate the dispatch of that business, would be very expedient. Such an inquiry would be important both as to the cases of unopposed Bills, and also as to important points connected with competing Bills. Even although no formal report might be made, such a Committee would be enabled, taking those points of most pressing importance, to offer very useful suggestions to the House as to that class of Private Business likely to occupy so large a share of its attention. If, therefore, the hon. Gentleman would postpone his Motion for the present, he would take an opportunity of consulting some of those hon. Gentlemen who took the most interest in Private Business, in the course of next week, and he hoped he would then be enabled efficiently to co-operate in the appointment of such a Committee as the one in question.

Mr. Wallace

was much obliged to the right hon. Baronet for his suggestion. The right hon. Gentleman's views of the matter quite coincided with his own, and he would postpone his Motion with much pleasure.

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