HC Deb 12 March 1844 vol 73 c960
Mr. M. Gibson

moved for a Return showing the quantity of Sugar the produce of British possessions in America, the Mauritius, and the British settlements in India, upon which the duty chargeable on British plantation Sugar was paid; also showing the quantity of Sugar refined from the same, which was exported, calculating each ton of refined Sugar so exported as representing 21 cwt. of raw Sugar; also the quantity of Molasses upon which duty was paid, converted into its equivalent quantity of Sugar calculating 24 cwt. of Molasses to represent 9 cwt. of Sugar; and showing, from these data, the actual quantity of Sugar retained for consumption in the United Kingdom, in each year, from 1830 to 1843.

Sir R. Peel

could not consent to the Motion. From its terms, an inference was drawn by the hon. Member for Manchester that his statement on a former evening with reference to the subject was not borne out by the Official Returns. He was quite ready to give every information on the subject, but he could not acquiesce in a Motion which assumed that a certain principle of calculation was a correct one.

Motion withdrawn.

House adjourned at half-past one o'clock.