HC Deb 15 July 1844 vol 76 c830
Mr. Wawn

asked whether the Government intended to take any measures to place on a footing of reciprocity the traffic carried on between this country and Russia by vessels built less than three years?

Mr. Gladstone

said, that one of the regulations of the Russian Treaty was, that Russian vessels built less than three years should be exempted from certain dues in English ports. He apprehended that we could not ask for a like concession in respect of English-built ships without conceding other advantages.

Viscount Palmerston

hoped he might be permitted to ask what were the advantages now granted to us by Russia under this Treaty which afforded us a compensation for the disadvantage?

Mr. Gladstone

said the Treaty itself would best answer the question; but he would mention as one advantage the privilege which we had secured for the admission of English ships into all Russian ports without any reference to the quarter whence they came.