HC Deb 21 June 1843 vol 70 c181
Mr. G. W. Wood

moved the second reading of the Scientific Societies Bill. His object was to relieve these institutions from the pressure of local taxation, which would give thorn more effectual aid than any pecuniary assistance. There was a great disposition to give relief in this way, if the parties were not prevented by the law. Chapels, schools, and hospitals were already assisted, and large sums had been granted out of the public money for churches and other public purposes, and upon those precedents he asked the assent of the House to this bill.

Viscount Sandon

seconded the motion, having previously moved a like measure, at the request of a meeting of the literary and scientific institutions of England. The burthen of taxation was very peculiar, for they must have large museums, and mother on rooms, and if a single porter lived on these premises the whole was rateable. The burthen was very disproportionate to the means of these societies. In one cast the income of the society was only 400l a year, and the taxes amounted to 100l In other countries assistance was given to these societies. He believed that this bill would not only be considered a boon by the societies, but by the towns themselves and he believed that the principle would obtain general acquiescence.

Bill read a second time.