HC Deb 07 July 1843 vol 70 c745
Sir B. Ferguson,

referring to the late period of the Session, suggested to the right hon. Baronet (Sir R. Peel) whether it might not be advisable either to refer the Irish Poor-law Bill, and the Irish Municipal Bill to select committees, or else to take them at morning sittings, with the view of expediting their progress.

Sir R. Peel

Personally, he was ready to give any portion of his time to the expediting of the public business in that House; but it was a question whether it would be of any great service in furthering the object they had in view, to devote thirteen hours each day in that House, instead of nine, which were now occupied by Parliamentary business. The delay which had occurred in the progress of the business of the Session— not merely of the Irish business—was much to be regretted, but he did not see how the Government could be held responsible for it. He was sorry when impediments in the shape of adjournments of particular debates were thrown in the way of the progress of legislation: but when those impediments arose from the desire to debate the question fully, he did not see how they were to be avoided. It was greatly to be regretted that the progress of legislation should be suspended as it had been during the last three weeks, in which no progress had been made, but he saw no means of preventing it. If the hon. Gentleman would repeat the question on a future evening, he would give him a more precise answer.