HC Deb 27 February 1843 vol 66 c1340
Mr. Ewart

begged to inquire whether the Government had received any intelligence concerning Mr. Gordon's treatment in Paraguay.

Sir Robert Peel

The Government had not yet received any official information from Mr. Gordon, whom they had sent out to Paraguay to prosecute certain inquiries in that country. A rumour, however, had reached England that the mission with which Mr. Gordon was entrusted had terminated unfavourably; and since this subject was mentioned in the House a few evenings ago, he had received a copy of a letter addressed to a most respectable house in Liverpool, by a gentleman named Bartley, the companion of Mr. Gordon, in which it was stated, that in consequence of some interference on the part of Mr. Gordon in the medical practice of the country, by an attempt to introduce vaccination, the government of Paraguay had taken the alarm, and ordered Mr. Gordon to quit the country. As this information came from a most respectable source, he could not but fear, that the rumour was correct. But, as he had already stated, the Government had as yet received no official information upon the subject, and, until such information were received, it would, of course, be quite impossible for him to state what course the Government would be likely to take.