HC Deb 01 March 1842 vol 60 c1271
Mr. Sheil

begged to ask the right hon. Baronet, the first Lord of the Treasury, whether the statement made on the 19th of January in the Chamber of Deputies, by M. Guizot, regarding a particular conversation which took place between him and Lord Aberdeen, in reference to the French Possessions in Africa, was correct.

Sir Robert Peel

said, I think the right hon. Gentleman ought not to put a question upon a matter of such great importance, without previous notice [Mr. Sheil made some observation across the Table]. I do not want notice now. I can answer the question, but I think notice ought to be given upon a matter of such importance as anything must be which relates to our intercourse with the government of France. I am bound to say, that my noble Friend does not admit the entire accuracy of the version which M. Guizot has given of the conversations to which the right hon. Gentleman refers. I do not know that there is any substantial difference, but my noble Friend does not admit having used the phrase that he had "no objections to the retention of the possession of Algiers." The expression which he used was, that he had no observations to make on that subject.